Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Seems I have been sleeping on the job recently. Not really, the temps here have been close to 110 degrees and have been working at keeping chickens cool. A new misting system will be here tomorrow to help.

Darn pool is so hot 96 degrees, i seem to fighting a losing battle to algae, so off to the store soon for lots of shock. Even above ground pools are expensive to maintain...and you jump in and it is like a hot tub. In ground pools rock at keeping water cooler and refreshing.

All livestock doing well...can't find a reason why the goats keep getting out, starting to be thinking they are climbing a 5 foot fence. Fun to watch as they stick close to the horse herd as they rotate through the pastures.

Horses are fat and sassy, would do some lunging but it is just too hot. Wait all winter to ride and it is just too hot both for the rider and the horse. *Sigh* Babies are growing so fast will wander out and take some new pictures of the 'gang'.


Have been working very hard to make this modest house look a bit better. One of my first projects was a set of planters in the front. Now...I laid the block and had a blast learning and perfecting leveling them. Here is my base row on the first planter. Completely Level!!

and further in the project:

 And Finally the finished product

Needs more flowers I think and some mulch. The Hydrangea needs watering multiple times per day. Still need to excavate and prepare for the path I am going to lay. That will be a bit more challenging due to the slope but I LOVE a challenge!!

Here is the porch swing I installed late one night.

and the wreath I did my best on for the front door lol. The directions just didn't make sense so I improvised ROFL!

We decided to update the kitchen. Orinal though was to replace cabinets...but we can save a lot of money just by painting them! Here is a pic of the BLAH Kitchen.

and the look we are going for...

The pantry door which is actually a utility rm/laundry room, and pantry will look something like the above pic.

Will use chickens as my design element

So off to shopping I will be more work but will save us thousands of dollars and I can still have a granite countertop and farmhouse sink. Wahoo!!!

Have a Blessed Day!!

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